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Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts


Spring Willow ~ * New Earth * ~

 Spring Willow

~ * New Earth * ~ 

~ Spring Willow ~

* Earth * ~

Caveat Emptor

 " Let the buyer Beware"

Prayer of Love

Pray this day for Great Love to enter the heart

Blowy Bright Breeze says

This is good

Be that who you are, the way that you are

Love the self that you have become

So that others may love another

The way that you love 

Hue of Rainbow 

Speak truth of heart

Delightful creative expression of Spring

Vibrate through every essence of thee

Ear speak so all may hear

Soft Angelic whisper

Echo of  the Heart and Soul

Through Eternity

So that Love might give it all away again

Breath of Life

Twinkle Light to night sky

Face Eye to the world spinning so wildly below

Calm rests within the depth of heart

Enter there to stay awhile

Till melt as they will

Another heart with your own

Feel the liquid murmur of the river run wild

Whisper of the Gods

Among the soft bristle of  leaves

Translucent mist settle on the sleepy face of a flower

Kiss of cooling dew

Sweet sweet essence of memory

Filter through the eye of a child

A Trust unbroken

Soft Angelic voice, soothe the inward ear

So all may hear

Sweet melody stole the heart of life for Eternity

So that Love might think to give it all away again

Work in Progress

St. Germaine

Become Aware of Judgement

Be in That Moment

Feel that hurt & pain

Begin to heal that in yourself

Birth compassion for yourself

Compassion asks everything of you

Responsibility is to yourself

 Unconditional Love

When you hold one in judgement, both are bound

I feel hurt, so be it

And cry

As you purge you heal the other for the next life

And then pain will pass

Be true to you regardless of any opinion

Bring nothing but Love


Call it forth!


A Moment ~*Within*~ Introduction to Imelda Frances Burnadette Maguire

~*Celebrate Life and Love*~

The Loft

~ Timeless Expression Studio ~

October 2007 ~ March 2016 

Historical Alger Press

Durham Region Ontario

Photo bStephen Cormack

From time to time I gaze out the window dreaming of days that are gone forever and of those yet to come.

I wonder

Is it in the reflections of the past that are met with the wanderings of the soul in a given moment of time where our dream truly begins?

Might it be a discovery of who we were then long long ago where we are only now bearing the fruit of what was or is to be?

I wonder, and dream about never ending Love within every waking moment of the day.

I wonder 
 and then I dream  do you?

~  North Wood ~

Quote from Saint Germaine

Choose intend, it will be done

Repeat that with us

Choose intend, it will be done

Remember that

A clear choice, clear intention

It is impossible to stop it manifesting


It will only stop when you change your intent or you choose otherwise


If your intentions and choices do not manifest
It is because you have changed your mind

You have changed your intent.

No way around this!

We are all the lover and  the dreamer!

~ Imelda Frances Burnadette Maguire ~

Toronto Pictures

Photo by Bruno Pischiutta


One day, everyone will discover 

The magnificence you are ~ I am

Found in the True Authentic Self of precious Unconditional Love

I Dream...

One day, everyone will discover 

The radiant being you are ~ I am…

Found in the true Authentic Self of precious Unconditional Love

I Dream...

One day, the entire universe will discover

The pure sweet Love found in the True Authentic Self.

I Dream...

That the Divine Glow in you and me

Will one day flow sweet and free through the heart

Authentically from one to another 

Through Eternity

When the higher emotions are conscious, there is real peace, love, and joy found within us all always, and in abundance.

Let us all walk toward our beautiful morrows together!



In Search of Self

Enter The Millennium

The following notes were written by Imelda during time spent on the Psychiatric ward of the Oshawa General Hospital shortly after the grand event of time; New Year Eve of the Millennium.   


Bipolar with a psychotic twist;  Disassociation

~ Shattered Dreams ~

Imelda FB Maguire
  Self Portrait

Oil on canvas 40 x 60 1992

Private Collection of  Canadian Mental Health Center
  Minden Ontario 

The Notes:

I am on my tenth different psychotropic cocktail to stabilize mood swings. 
The drug of the day is Lithium.  

Numb am I,  lost in a dark place with nothing to recognize as self to grab on to and hold tight, so as not to sink further into this dark abyss of lifelessness.  

The question asked of the patients attending the workshop today is;

Who have we become and why?

Sitting here in the hospital recovery workshop not caring at all whether I live or die, I pray without end to the Heavenly Father for the sensitivity to hear the promptings of my soul;

Who am I?

Why would I even care, knowing full well that the right answer will be the only way out of this dark and empty place of hollow living?

There is pen and paper in hand, so I might just as well begin this writing exercise.


Drawing by Imelda FB Maguire

Recovery Workshop
 Oshawa General Hospital 
3G Wing
 February 2000  

I know there is a pattern of some electrical nature, so I search somewhere for a missing sequence, keep it simple stupid.  There is only black inside, so I resist and go the other way.

A speck of color draws me in so I follow and chase the hue, only to arrive back to where the pigment began to the place where only darkness lives.

Oh Heavenly Father

Let there be light

The medication makes it so hard to think, so hard to do anything at all let alone think or feel or see the light of joy that once was and is now lost when all I really want to do is to be left alone to sleep that forever deep sleep.

Now… yes, I think I have lost the land of Now!

A wee flurry flickers inside somewhere behind my breast but it is not mine.   I raise my hand to see who is there.  A gentle little whisper of a thing touches my cheek.  I accept this gift, the tears fall. 

Only a mad stroke appears when I put pencil to paper…  I let it go, perhaps we can talk again another day.

The mouth is so dry.

Colors most pale with shapes are there today.  I wait for something to stay… for at least a short while yet still the pigment and shapes flutter pale.

Wait! something looks for me ~ what is one to expect from the self?  ~ Soul hides.  

O'h my, how the brain hurts as I search ~ keep it simple stupid!

Nowhere is there a brush stroke ~ nowhere is there a color or a hue.

Life is at the best ~ flat
Nothing seems to matter much at all anymore.  There is no interest in even the searching.

So then, it has come to that!

There is no point in describing this painless pain.
I pray and I pray.

Please God take me home.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star

How I wonder who you are

The blank clean page speaks to this unrivaled mystery.  Here in this blank and clean place, I can stay in between ~ in the land of Now ~ safe ~ from a world so full of fractured shattered dreams.

There must be more space for these broken pieces to find their rightful place within ~ the mind can no longer breathe.

Displacement of self has arrived!
Here, in the land of now, there is all this time to listen to the whispers of my heart, I miss the authentic self that it seems I never really knew.

I must let the past go...
Oh… to be independent when there is not a thing that is truly your own, surely this must be the Lord’s test!
Remember I must ~ be grateful for all heart's desire, a lesson learned.
This must be the hold to keep the soul alive, that I might feel the map to my own truth within as my friend ~ lest I become lost ~ forever ~ to the wild rushing noise on the outside.

What planet am I on?

Fragments of this and that have disassociated themselves from one another.  They seem to be running rampant like a wild child without a destination and have gone pale beyond the boundaries of the whole.  I wish I understood how the boundaries got there in the first place.

Life is easier, safer, and more loving without these internal boundaries that appear so very strange and dark to my heart. Why won't these things talk ~ with all my might I wish they would, just so one might know where to begin again.

I am afraid ~
It must be for the self to stay inside where it is safe to accumulate again these missing pieces.  If one cannot, at best then, I can enjoy the numbness and this rest.

But... for how long will I be left here in this darkness without end?

The past is gone now,  never to come back, I know this to be true.
The future will always be unknown, I do not have a crystal ball ~ so the only thing left is ~ here ~ within this incredible empty Now that appears so full.

When I do look back it seems it was always about the work of exploring more how life is lush and ripe like fruit, sweet and ready to eat on the vine.  How could one survive such an Eden just to arrive at this pointless end?  

Bliss is lost ~ 

Yes, lost am I ~ tumbled upon the ground, then get lost again ~ tumbling over and over and over. It takes all effort to make it through this damn day program without a voice. When I do hear it, the voice is not mine, someone else has taken my place and they are nervous like a fearful child, removed am I from this place on earth where another acts the part of my own composition in life.

I know there was Bliss ~ I know it ~ so I search and feel for the Bliss that waits silently in great anticipation for the real self to return.

And now herein lies the secret;

It is only with the heart

That one can see rightly what is essential

What is invisible to the eye

And so float eye

This lotus on a pond

To where I do not know

Life is but a tiny ripple

That a gentle breeze does blow

Upon the waters top

 It is not where this breeze may wake

But only our self out of life what we make

Oh… but to float with He

Upon the watered tide

Inside the land of now

Where everything hides 

From those empty things on the outside

It is only within the Divine of the moment

That there is Life in the land of now

And so float eye 

This lotus on a pond

To where I do not know

~ Flowering Almond~ 

The Sharing of Hidden Truth

November 15 2009

True love began to heal itself with the writing of the soul thoughts during the Millennium time spent in the healing workshop on 3G main with a healing that continues through to this day.

Indeed it took the complete collapse and folding of the self upon itself to come through the other side of darkness only to fall in love with that fearful dark in order to realize the brilliance of Light through the creative being of the very soul that had never left. 

Our most precious and perceived commodity of time controls that function of relationship building with our self and has now become solely governed by the value of a dollar.  The external quest to gain equity by owning more material things is the very thing that will drive one to madness as we strive endlessly to find more time to do just that, own more of everything.

Self-awareness expressed and experienced through art is the personal truth set in opposition to the non-truths that continue to rise up in ebb and flow through our daily life.

The function of art to me is to bridge the distance between the most intense state of feeling and our impersonal human existences that we know them to have been while living here on this earthly soul plane.  The artwork is a personal attempt to express outwardly the relationship we have of our self within modern society through this lifetime, then to do so with a grand Grace.

My travels in creativity have led me increasingly toward a conscious awareness as a means to search out and hold one's own truth as the gift to saving our sanity in a world conflict, confusion, fear hunger and war.

The work for me is an attempt to provoke the viewer into silent contemplation of whom and what we really are.  It poses questions directed inward, questions that are the most unavoidable in the search for self-recognition and acceptance, self-respect and intelligent self-consciousness.

Technically through the freedom of artistic expression, the intention is to bring the viewer into the world of the soul by concentrating on simplicity of shape, movement and rhythm through ethereal qualities accomplished by the use of light passing through vapors of pigment.

The work is mostly sensual rather than intellectual.  It is my personal attempt to thrive in the expression of spirituality.  It is here that there is the awareness of our individual completely true nature, the totally abstracted elements of undefined mind ~ Reality ~ outside of our own beingness. 

For most, this attempt would be a deeply personal journey that celebrates the wholeness of the heart and soul as we live and survive on flourishing earth.

There is always an element of fear or apprehensive to start something new that we want to make very good, true, and serious.  The search for knowing more, is a sacred adventure.  

Russian Writer Vladimir Nabokov tells us:

“There is a miraculous feeling of the words being there written in invisible ink and clamoring to become visible.”

True adventure starts with desire, inclining one to enter the unknown internal world of the heart in all its many wondrous facets that will indeed leave us breathless and in delight of our true self.

Be awake to your life


Rise to inspire others 

To be the best that they can be

~ Flowering Almond ~




Thoughts, Painting & Prose By Imelda Frances

Thoughts, Painting & Prose

Imelda FB Maguire

1974 ~ 2013

A Celebration of Life and Love, Web Design by Cathy Hooch, 2007 - 2011. Timeless Expression by Maguire
Timeless Expression by Maguire Historical Website

Web Design by Catherine Hooch, Oshawa Ontario
2007 - 2011

Celebrate Life & Love

"It is the little things in life that mean a lot!"

Quote from Patricia Josephine Maguire

Thomas St. Studio
1971 ~ 1980 Oshawa Ontario

Art With Mel

Oil on canvas 24x36 1974 Private Collection of Mary Haye, Oshawa- In Barter for a navy handbag with a double wooden spool handle. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Desk & Feather ~

Oil on canvas 24 x 36 1974

Private Collection of Mary Haye
Oshawa Ontario

In Barter for a crochet navy handbag with a double wooden spool handle

Original oil on canvas 24 x 30 palette knife 1975   Private collection of Mary Haye  Oshawa Ontario     In barter for a crochet table cloth. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Tiger Lily's & Things ~

Original oil on canvas 24 x 30 palette knife 1975

Private collection of Mary Haye
Oshawa Ontario

In barter for a crochet table cloth.

~ Lost In The Mountains of Mourne ~

Original oil on canvas 24 x 36, Northern Ireland 1974
Collector not recorded

~ Pool of Canopus ~   Oil on canvas 20 x 24, 1976  Collector not recorded ~ Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Pool of Canopus ~

Oil on canvas 20 x 24, 1976
Collector not recorded

~ Castle Hoathe On The Irish Sea ~   Oil on canvas, 30 x 72, 1975  Collector not recorded ~ Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Castle Hoathe On The Irish Sea ~

Oil on canvas, 30 x 72 palette knife 1975
Collector not recorded

~ Bunratty Castle ~  Oil on canvas 24 x 36, 1974  Collector not recorded ~ Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Bunratty Castle ~

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, 1974
Collector not recorded

Oil on canvas 12 x 14 palette knife, 1973, Collector not recorded ~ Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Blue & Red Bouquet ~

Oil on canvas 12 x 14  palette knife, 1975
Collector not recorded

Oil on canvas 24x30, Silhouette of Maxo, Timeless Expression by Maguire
 ~Andrew Frank Maguire ~ Silhouette
 7th Lock
Dublin Ireland 1976
Oil on canvas 24 x 36

Private Collection of Brye Briggs
Oshawa Ontario

~ White Tulip ~   Oil on canvas 24 x 30, 1976  Collector not recorded. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ White Tulip ~

Oil on canvas 24 x 30, 1976
Collector not recorded

Oil on Masonite  20 x 26, 1977    Private Collection of Pauline and Wilfred Lindsey  Peterborough Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Bouquet for Mother ~

Oil on Masonite  20 x 26, 1977
Private Collection of Pauline and Wilfred Lindsey
Peterborough Ontario

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, 1977  Collector not recorded  A Touch of Old won Honorable Mention at the Art Gallery of Oshawa 1977. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ A Touch of Old ~

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, 1977
Collector not recorded

A Touch of Old won Honorable Mention at the Art Gallery of Oshawa 1977

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, England 1979     Private Collection of Pauline and Christopher Westwood  Oshawa Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Swans~pool Bridge ~

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, England 1979
Private Collection of Pauline and Christopher Westwood
Oshawa Ontario

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, England 1979     Private Collection of Pauline and Christopher Westwood  Oshawa Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Swans Pool ~

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, England 1979
Private Collection of Pauline and Christopher Westwood
Oshawa Ontario

~ Hibiscus Study ~   Oil on canvas 24 x 36, 1979   Collector not recorded. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Hibiscus Study ~

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, 1979 
Collector not recorded

Hillside Studio
1980 ~ 1999 Oshawa Ontario

~ Baby Colt ~   Oil on Masonite 30 x 42, 1982.  Private Collection of Shandy-Lynn Briggs  Oshawa Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Baby Colt ~

Oil on Masonite 30 x 42, 1982.
Private Collection of Shandy-Lynn Briggs
Oshawa Ontario

~ Tara ~ Gone with the Wind`   Oil on canvas, 24 x 35  1982  Private Collection of Armand and Bunty (Lucille)  Oshawa Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Tara ~ Gone with the Wind`

Oil on canvas, 24 x 35  1982
Private Collection of Armand and Bunty (Lucille)
Oshawa Ontario


~ On the Beach with Janie Mac  ~   Oil on canvas, 24 x 30, 1984  Collector not recorded. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ On the Beach with Janie Mac  ~

Oil on canvas, 24 x 30, 1984
Collector not recorded

Whitby Station Gallery
1976 -1982

Imelda Maguire, Marg Bird, and Marilyn Clack at work painting the Coach for the Gala ~ Orient Express Ball ~  Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby Ontario 1982.

As a volunteer for the Whitby Station Gallery in Whitby Ontario for several years, I witnessed many wonderful artists unfolded their work revealing the ~ Grace ~ of their craft.  It was all one could do just sit there silently watching in awe.  During this time I was able to explore the dance of the Sumi brush as well as fall madly in love with the art of Sue Tabuchi who greatly inspired the mastery of the stroke; concentration on the freedom of the brush.

Unfortunately I could not find any work of Sue Tabuchi posted on the web as an example of Sue's brilliant mind.  Might you be reading this and know of any Sue Tabuchi work and  have a link please feel free to add your news in the comment box below the post, most appreciative I would be as would the other viewers of this site.

Many Thanks.

God Bless



~ Milk Weed Pod ~  Oil on canvas 24 x 48, 1980  Collector not recorded. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Milk Weed Pod ~

Oil on canvas 24 x 48, 1980
Collector not recorded

Oil on Masonite 20 x 30, 1980.  Collector not recorded. Timeless Expression by Maguire
 ~ Pink Lady  ~

Oil on Masonite 20 x 30, 1980.
Collector not recorded

Oil on canvas 18 x 36, 1980  Private collection of Leonard and Lori Manning  Oshawa Ontario
~ Shamrock ~

Oil on canvas 18 x 36, 1980
Private collection of Leonard and Lori Manning
Oshawa Ontario

Oil on Masonite 12 x 24, 1984  Private Collection of Laura Manning  Oshawa Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Geese Family ~

Oil on Masonite 12 x 24, 1984
Private Collection of Laura Manning
Oshawa Ontario

Oil on canvas 16 x 20, 1980 Private Collection of Pauline Lindsey,  Peterborough Ontario . Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Trillium ~

 Oil on canvas 16 x 20, 1980
 Private Collection of Pauline Lindsey
 Peterborough Ontario

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, 1984  Collector not recorded 
~ Calla Lily ~ Flower of Peace  

Oil on canvas 24 x 36, 1984
Collector not recorded

Oil on canvas 36 x 48 1981  Private Collection of John and Julie Manning   Oshawa Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Purple Wood ~

Oil on canvas 36 x 48 1981
Private Collection of John and Julie Manning
 Oshawa Ontario

Oil on canvas 26 x 38 1987  Private Collection of Len and Lori Manning  Oshawa Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Angel Cocoon ~

Oil on canvas 26 x 38 1987
Private Collection of Len and Lori Manning
Oshawa Ontario

Angel Cocoon and Fantasy Flower were commissioned by my nephew Leonard Manning to help pay for my travel expense on the Go Train during my first year of the Ontario College of Art.

Indeed I explained to Len that he did not have to pay his Aunty Mel for his painting, a pleasure it would be to do this for him.  Insisted he did indeed, just like a true gentleman would. I am eternally grateful to Leonardo Da Vinci (my Papa’s nickname for my nephew Leonard) for always believing in the artwork.

Blue Madness

 Canvas #1 & #2

Canvas #1  Oil ~ 24 x 36 1986  Donation to the Women’s Safety Network Haliburton Highlands Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire.
~ Blue Madness ~

 Canvas #1
Oil ~ 24 x 36 1986

Donation to the Women’s Safety Network Haliburton Highlands Ontario.

Canvas #2     Oil ~ 24 x 36, 1986  Donation to the Women’s Safety Network Haliburton Highlands Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Blue Madness ~

 Canvas #2
  Oil ~ 24 x 36, 1986

Donation to the Women’s Safety Network Haliburton Highlands Ontario.

The concept of Blue Madness is taken from the view inside of the mind behind the lashes of the eye; a view that was brought on through a physical experience of the body when mind automatically blocked the mental and emotional pain suffered as a direct result from being rear-ended in an automobile accident. The image that manifested during the first few moments of shock was one of a very comforting sensation of the self floating on on an ethereal pond under the warmth of the sun as presence became that of being a wee fly or frog upon the leaf of a water lily bloom.

All reality of the outside world in that very moment ceased; it had been blocked by mind, or perhaps it was the soul to remove all shock and pain from the  unconscious self.

It was my thought that these two pieces hanging in the Women’s Shelter might bring some measure of calm to the families who visit there for a short while through their troubled times.  

Sometimes it is necessary to take a painful memory of the past from fully expressing itself in the moment by releasing those old fragmented stories of ours out into the universe in some healing creative way. 

It is up to us to decide when to let go of the grieving memories of a past.  Once released out from the inner depths of our inner soul in a loving sharing with the rest of humanity, or either privately within your own heart, such pain then becomes just that ~ a memory ~ the past.  I have discovered that it is alright to look back for a glance every once in awhile but only for a fleeting second to remind ourselves that what was, is now truly gone.  Our look back is only a reminder of our lessons learned.  Indeed we will eventually accept our personal part of that drama however large or small from beginning to end in that particular moment of time to heal our own soul, remembering always to forgive the self.

Remaining to be mindful of that moment of reflection will ensure us not to repeat our unconscious decisions again, painful memories released evaporate forever from our precious DNA by the simple choice of surrendering into the moment of now to heal the images of mind.  Be mindful to hold the thought that those memories are indeed truly gone.

Blue Madness was gifted with great respect to the services rendered to women by women in providing support as well as a safe environment for those mothers and children that have had to flee their home in order to find peace, comfort and care from the tyranny of abusive life situations that have run amuck in our life; out of control.

The Women’s safety network also acts as a liaison for those in need with the many Government financial and care services that help with affordable housing, trauma resource, legal and medical services for troubled families.  The many contacts that are opened to an individual are a direct aid to the mothers and children in the challenging effort to continue to look forward to their brighter tomorrow.

It is our choice to decide when we are truly ready to heal the imprint that comes from physical, mental, and emotional pain; simply release them into the wonder of nothingness.

Study in color vibrations   Oil on canvas 36 x 48, 1987  Collector not recorded. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Lily Pad Pond ~

 Study in color vibrations
Oil on canvas 36 x 48, 1987
Collector not recorded

Oil on canvas 36 x 40, 1989  Private Collection of artist. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Bowl ~

Oil on canvas 36 x 40, 1989
Private Collection of artist

~ Maiden Hair Fern ~

Pen and ink study, art board  1987
Private Collection of artist

Oil on canvas 26 x 30, 1997  Private Collection of Shandy-Lynn Briggs  Oshawa Ontario . Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ China Lantern ~

Oil on canvas 26 x 30, 1997
Private Collection of Shandy-Lynn Briggs
Oshawa Ontario 

Study in Color Vibration #1

When the eye focuses on where two colors meet that definable line is called the line of demarcation.  When one stares at that line of demarcation long enough where the two colors meet and are equal in all regards, the eye will pulsate ~ creating the illusion of movement, the entry into the mysteries of universe through the creative self..

Oil on canvas 24 x 40, 1994  Private Collection of Pauline and Wilf red Lindsey  Peterborough Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Hibiscus ~

Oil on canvas 24 x 40, 1994
Private Collection of Pauline and Wilfred Lindsey
Peterborough Ontario

Oil on Canvas 32 x 48, 1993  Private Collection of Pauline and Wilf   Peterborough Ontario. Timeless Expression by Maguire
~ Flowering Almond ~
Oil on Canvas 32 x 48, 1993

Private Collection of Pauline and Wilf
 Peterborough Ontario