Spring Willow
~ * New Earth * ~
~ Spring Willow ~
~ * Earth * ~
Caveat Emptor
" Let the buyer Beware"
Prayer of Love
Pray this day for Great Love to enter the heart
Blowy Bright Breeze says
This is good
Be that who you are, the way that you are
Love the self that you have become
So that others may love another
The way that you love
Hue of Rainbow
Speak truth of heart
Delightful creative expression of Spring
Vibrate through every essence of thee
Ear speak so all may hear
Soft Angelic whisper
Echo of the Heart and Soul
Through Eternity
So that Love might give it all away again
Breath of Life
Twinkle Light to night sky
Face Eye to the world spinning so wildly below
Calm rests within the depth of heart
Enter there to stay awhile
Till melt as they will
Another heart with your own
Feel the liquid murmur of the river run wild
Whisper of the Gods
Among the soft bristle of leaves
Translucent mist settle on the sleepy face of a flower
Kiss of cooling dew
Sweet sweet essence of memory
Filter through the eye of a child
A Trust unbroken

Soft Angelic voice, soothe the inward ear
So all may hear
Sweet melody stole the heart of life for Eternity
So that Love might think to give it all away again
St. Germaine
Become Aware of Judgement
Be in That Moment
Feel that hurt & pain
Begin to heal that in yourself
Birth compassion for yourself
Compassion asks everything of you
Responsibility is to yourself
Unconditional Love
When you hold one in judgement, both are bound
I feel hurt, so be it
And cry
As you purge you heal the other for the next life
And then pain will pass
Be true to you regardless of any opinion
Bring nothing but Love
Call it forth!