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Showing posts with label In Celebration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label In Celebration. Show all posts


Spring Willow ~ * New Earth * ~

 Spring Willow

~ * New Earth * ~ 

~ Spring Willow ~

* Earth * ~

Caveat Emptor

 " Let the buyer Beware"

Prayer of Love

Pray this day for Great Love to enter the heart

Blowy Bright Breeze says

This is good

Be that who you are, the way that you are

Love the self that you have become

So that others may love another

The way that you love 

Hue of Rainbow 

Speak truth of heart

Delightful creative expression of Spring

Vibrate through every essence of thee

Ear speak so all may hear

Soft Angelic whisper

Echo of  the Heart and Soul

Through Eternity

So that Love might give it all away again

Breath of Life

Twinkle Light to night sky

Face Eye to the world spinning so wildly below

Calm rests within the depth of heart

Enter there to stay awhile

Till melt as they will

Another heart with your own

Feel the liquid murmur of the river run wild

Whisper of the Gods

Among the soft bristle of  leaves

Translucent mist settle on the sleepy face of a flower

Kiss of cooling dew

Sweet sweet essence of memory

Filter through the eye of a child

A Trust unbroken

Soft Angelic voice, soothe the inward ear

So all may hear

Sweet melody stole the heart of life for Eternity

So that Love might think to give it all away again

Work in Progress

St. Germaine

Become Aware of Judgement

Be in That Moment

Feel that hurt & pain

Begin to heal that in yourself

Birth compassion for yourself

Compassion asks everything of you

Responsibility is to yourself

 Unconditional Love

When you hold one in judgement, both are bound

I feel hurt, so be it

And cry

As you purge you heal the other for the next life

And then pain will pass

Be true to you regardless of any opinion

Bring nothing but Love


Call it forth!


Tulips & Daffodils ~ Mother's Love

Tulips & Daffodils

In Celebration of Mother's Love

Beneath the glow of sweet cherry bloom

 Mother Earth

 Sublime Holy Mantle

Heart of her soul, d`oth silently weep there


She lay

Layered in memory so sweet

Softly cradled within the holder of dreams

Laddened tear,  stain dust upon her face


A Mother's Love to Behold

A'twixt are dark thoughts

Swooning all comfort and peace

Teasing the mind with images of war

Spilled, splayed innocence 

A Mother's Lament

O'h ~ to behold 

Dumbed unconscious wrath

On sacred cherished Earth

Tore the breast of Mother's broken crust

Where once did reign Joy

 Mother's Lament

 Mother's Love

 O'h ~ to behold 

What power one chalice destined for man

Divine Glow of God she did pray


For all dark shadow upon her bloody soil

Fade away ~ Fade away

So that all might kiss the face of Eternity 

 Witness to the broken heart of Earth

Come Upliftment from on High

Erase weary weight this wasteful empty pain

Comfort the broken pieces of my heart

 She cried




Saddened song this sorrowful lament

 Mother's Love to behold

It was then that all could hear Our Father cry

Rise up shining face, bright and high

Into the brilliance of All Mighty God the violet so white

Rest there now your saddened soul

Upon Jupiter's right wing

Feathered friend,  Messenger of God

Council to awakened Decider

Life and death

Should that be so

Hear Heavenly Clarion Call

Bliss has arrived to wash sweet soul of humanity

 Leave away all judgement right or wrong
Which exists not

Trivial things that they are

Shine your light of a new day all Earthen Man

Upon the breath of fresh Spring

When all beauty knows the truth of it's own face

Rise Mother Earth

Dark Shadow sings your song to the beating of heart

So all will listen your cry for Peace



 Mother's lament

 Mother's Love

Reign God on High

Blessed are those who walk Earth proud

Among the Nocturne turned red

In sunny delight 

Paradise t`is this your Earthen Land

Full of the splendor a New Life

In awe the power of a Mother's tear

Where rest now the sweetest

Tulips and Daffodils



A Mother's Lament

Mother's Love


Happy 70th Mom

Your Loving Daughter Always
